Advanced Auricular Acupuncture and Auriculotherapy (needle free options)
Auricular acupuncture and auriculotherapy are part of our clinic's specialised treatment approach of targeting microsystems of the body, here the ears, as a single body part that is worked to treat the whole system. Auricular acupuncture and auriculotherapy can easily be integrated with other treatments, like reflexology.
Auricular (ear) acupuncture and needle free auriculotherapy options explained
Using the ears as a microsystem to treat the whole, auricular acupuncture involves the application of hair breadth needles inserted part way in the external ear (auricle) to stimulate active acupuncture points that connect from ear to the brain through nerve innervations.
Functional MRI scans confirm that there is a clear ear, brain, body connection laid out in the holographic projection of an inverted foetus on the ear (Dr Paul Nogier, 1953. See image below.) Research shows that we can directly influence organs, bodily systems, the nervous system, brain function and mood through the use of ear acupuncture or auriculotherapy, which has been shown to be especially impactful in accessing the vagal nerve to bring about calm and balance via the parasympathetic nervous system. Romoli et al. (2014.) show deep brain activations via fMRI scan when auricular brain stem and thumb acupoints are stimulated by needles - confirming a somatotopic representation of corresponding points between ear, body and brain.
Auriculotherapy: needle free options using the auricle.
Auriculotherapy incorporates needle free alternatives to acupuncture using the external ear. These include acupressure via the application of Vaccaria seeds and magnets to acupoints, especially helpful to continue post treatment benefits. Probes are used to palpate and find sensitive 'active' points. Electrical point finders locate and treat active ear acupuncture points via painless electrical stimulation pulse frequency, that works like a tens machine.
Auricular acupuncture and auriculotherapy have evidence bases for treating a wide variety of conditions and providing symptomatic relief to many conditions. Overall, auricular medicine and acupuncture are known to have a strong balancing effect on the system with a mechanism that attempts to put the body back into homeostasis.
Auricular acupuncture and auriculotherapy are not diagnostic tools but can be used alongside conventional medicine to maximise and compliment treatment goals. In the East, auricular acupuncture is recognised as a stand alone treatment in its own right or it may be integrated with other treatments for targeted, enhanced treatment effects, such as foot reflexology.
Anna is an advanced auricular acupuncturist and will provide individualised auricular acupuncture treatments according to your needs. Whilst ear maps, auricular protocols and self report of issues are useful, your ears (and feet) are the ultimate guide informing assessment, treatment and treatment planning.
Or, In the words of Dr. Li-Chun Huang 'it is as if the ear can speak for and express itself' - a process of exchange between practitioner and patient to interpret and understand health status: a process that I like to teach and call 'ear talk.'
Individualised advanced auricular acupuncture deluxe treatment: enhanced with prescriptive made essential oil blend, hand and arm massage, Vaccaria seed application and Chinese herbal tea.
First, a visual inspection of your ears will take place and any anomalies recorded. Ear assessment includes locating active acupoints using a probe. Changes in the appearance of the ears and your self reported symptoms will be recorded and monitored using validated screening tools - a course of treatments is therefore recommended to track changes over time and enable the system to balance. You will then receive your individualised ear acupuncture treatment targeting your treatment goals which involves the insertion of hair breadth needles part way into the external ear.
Whilst your needles are in situ (40 minutes), you will receive a relaxing hand and arm massage using a prescriptive made essential and carrier oil blend to enhance treatment effects. You will receive a complementary gift of your individualised blend in the form of a bath and body oil to take home to continue treatment goals.
After your treatment, Vaccaria seeds or magnets will be applied to ear acupoints to prolong treatment effects. Finish your treatment by relaxing with a cup of Chinese herbal remedy tea to support detoxification and relaxation (see ingredients below.)
60 mins, £50 per session
Integrative Auricular Acupuncture and Reflexology combined deluxe treatment
Integrative treatments combine powerful microsystem treatment modalities: here, auricular acupuncture and foot reflexology. Your deluxe package will incorporate auricular acupuncture alongside an advanced foot reflexology treatment whilst the acupuncture needles are in situ.
Vaccaria seeds or magnets will be applied post treatment to prolong treatment effects and finally, you will relax with a cup of Chinese herbal remedy tea to support detoxification and relaxation (see ingredients below.)
60 mins £65 per session
Small group auricular acupuncture or auriculotherapy sessions
Our affordable community group ear acupuncture offering
Receiving an auricular acupuncture or needle free auriculotherapy treatment in a small group setting with others who also value a quiet environment to experience the benefits of treatment have been shown to have powerful effects. Your treatment time will be spent in a no phone zone to respect everyone's desire for tranquillity and time out from excessive noise and distractions from the outside world.
Complete your treatment with the application of Vaccaria seeds for prolonged post treatment effects and a cup of relaxing Chinese herbal tea. Couples, parents, carers and their children* or groups of friends are all welcome.
*Minimum age 14 to receive ear acupuncture. No age restriction for auriculotherapy options.
Single treatment £25 per person. Minimum 2-8 people.
Auriculotherapy Needle Free Options
Visual inspection of the ear will identify any anomalies as indications for health and be recorded to track changes over time. A handheld electrical pulse stimulator, which works like a TENS machine, transmits a painless electrical charge at the point of least resistance on the skin (signalling an active acupuncture point), thereby accessing nerves and deep tissue to stimulate auricular acupoints. Vaccaria seeds will be applied as acupressure to continue treatment effects at home. Finally, relax with a cup of Chinese herbal tea.
Small group treatment: auriculotherapy plus Vaccaria seeds and Chinese herbal tea (2-8 people) £25 per person
Individual treatment: auriculotherapy integrated with reflexology plus Vaccaria seeds and Chinese herbal tea: £65
To learn simple MTAT accredited ear acupuncture protocols click here
To learn the globally recognised simple five point NADA GB protocol with Anna click here
To learn how to visually inspect ears and understand indications of anomalies for health via MTAT accredited course 'Ear Talk' Click here
Anna is a NADA GB accredited ear acupuncture trainer
FHT short course provider of MTAT Auricular Acupuncture for Stress and Anxiety Management
FHT short course provider of MTAT 'Ear Talk: interpreting the auricle to inform health.
Chinese herbal remedy tea for detoxification ingredients:
Camomile, skullcap, catmint, peppermint, yarrow and elderflower.
How to brew the perfect Chinese herbal tea
Teabag Herbal Tea Infusion:
Step 1: Rinse tea bag with a little water
Step 2: Fill 2/3 of the cup with freshly boiled water over the teabag
Step 3: Steep for 3-5 minutes then relax and enjoy the essence from the herbs.
Tip: Keep the teabag in the cup whilst drinking to maximise the benefit from the tea. Avoid adding milk and sugar but a little natural honey may be added to sweeten the taste. This product does not contain any artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.
Loose Dried Tea Herbal Infusion:
Step 1: Add two heaped teaspoons of dried herbal tea to a teapot.
Step 2: Add boiling water.
Steep 3: Let it steep for 3-5 minutes.
Step 4: Use a tea strainer and pour into a cup.
Add honey to taste if desired, but not sugar nor milk.
Receiving ear acupuncture requires your consent.
Please download and read the Informed Consent to Treat Form. All the questions require a yes/no answer and further details in the case of yes. Then hand sign and date. Either return a scanned signed copy by email prior to treatment or you can complete a paper copy at your appointment.
GDPR regulations regarding use of personal information apply.